Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Point of Care Communications for Physicians

Spyglass Consulting Group has published a report titled, "Point of Care Communications for Physicians." Here are some interesting snippets from the abstract:

Mobile communications are poised to revolutionize the way physicians can communicate with colleagues, care team members, and patients to improve collaboration, streamline productivity, and enhance patient care
and safety. With these mobile solutions, physicians can:

• communicate via voice, text messaging and e-mail,
• determine care team member availability and status,
• access hospital directory services, and
• review patient information

There are more than 650,000 physicians in the United States. Many of them are mobile professionals who are constantly on the go as they travel between their offices, clinics, exam rooms, and corridors of affiliated hospitals. They work in high-stress data intensive environments dominated by inefficient paper-based workflow processes where they have a constant need to communicate with colleagues and to access relevant patient information regardless of their physical location. As physicians are taking care of more patients with higher acuity levels, it is becoming increasingly difficult to communicate with them in a timely manner.

Point of Care Communications for Physicians presents the findings of an end-user market study focused on how physicians across the United States are rapidly adopting mobile communications at point of care to improve communications and collaboration, streamline productivity, and enhance patient care and safety.

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