Wednesday, December 7, 2011

6 Great iPad Apps and Resources for Physical Therapists

Author: Bethany Brewer

6 Great iPad Apps and Resources for Physical Therapists

Physical therapy assistant programs are constantly integrating newer technologies like that of computers, iPads and other devices. These new computer formats can be daunting at first, but soon many won’t know how to live without them. One such format is the iPad and iPhone applications, which can aid a physical therapy assistant and possibly make his or her work more efficient.

The following are 6 tools that may be useful in physical therapy sessions, although they are not free; most of these applications are low cost, making them affordable for even those individuals still in physical therapy assistant schools.

1.) KneeDecide, ShoulderDecide or SpineDecide Apps: These are 3D applications that offer common treatment methods used for the injury in question. The application shows 3D diagrams and in-depth information on an injury in this location.

2.) Muscle & Bone Anatomy 3D App: This application shows a 3 dimensional animation of the muscles and bones. Physical therapy assistants can show patients the animations and diagrams of the bone and muscles that are injured. The application also offers information videos they may be interested in.

3.) Pocket Body App: This works similarly to Muscle & Bone Anatomy but shows a more clinical view of the muscle and bone area. It is able to peel the skin and layers of muscle to the side to show the patient what the exact problem is. This tool works as a demonstration for patients or could be used as a reference tool for physical therapy students.

4.) Muscle System Pro III: This App is an excellent reference for physical therapy assistant students and is a basic review of all the body muscles, their origin, insertion, nerve and offers illustrations including how the blood supply flows through these muscle groups. Both this application, Pocket Body and Muscle & Bone Anatomy 3D offer additional quizzes that teachers at physical therapy assistant schools or specialized physical therapy programs like to offer.

5.) Clinical Orthopedic Exam (CORE): Is an application that can be used by physical therapy assistants and students to find specific tests or measures. The application is easily navigated and offers a large variety of tests and quizzes to review.

6.) Stopwatch and Timer Apps: Are great tools available for the iPad, which allow physical therapists to have multiple stopwatch timers on at once. This allows Physical Therapists to time patients in their activities more accurately.

As physical therapists and physical therapy assistants continue to use the iPad in their work they will likely find other applications, which aren’t necessarily specific to a physical therapist, but could be handy in clinical work. Applications like Spanish medical terminology translations and other interesting applications continue to appear which could also be helpful for physical assistants. It is simply a matter of checking the Apple iPad applications store to see what is available. Although most programs come at a small cost, the applications all have extensive and accurate descriptions giving concise information on its use.

About the Author:

Bethany Brewer freelance writes online about a wide range of topics from mobile Apps to health care and education. Bethany has recently been focusing her attention on advancements in physical therapy technology and physical therapy assistant programs.

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